Monday, August 27, 2012

Timothy B. Schmit-Tell Me the Truth

Tell Me the Truth
What a Hidden Gem this album is for sure. I had always known Timothy B. Schmit for his other works with the Eagles & Poco. Upon hearing this Solo Album of his, my appreciation of the depths of his talent grew immensely. The lyrics to the songs found on here are so sincere. The song Tell Me The Truth in itself just speaks volumes. I cried the first time I heard this, such a beautiful song. I love the whole complete package brought together in these songs ~~ Timothy's voice, his music and Lyrics all perfectly knit together to make these songs touch you deep inside. I would recommend this album highly, it is a treasured keepsake for sure! I hope to hear more coming from Timothy! Thanks for all of these great songs! Timothy B. Schmit is by far one of the most talented artists around today. His pure, sweet voice and the great licks on the bass guitar are what makes him so special. It was nice to hear that he has always had his trademark sound, and even sounds better today. This album from almost 20 years ago stands up to anything anyone is doing now, and is a nice reminder of how songs sounded in the 80's, and yet has a contemporary feel to it. It would be a good choice to add to others by him, especially if you are a big fan.

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