Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pure Prairie League-Cant Hold Back

Cant hold back

Pure Prairie League released this CD in 1979 after going through yet another band re-organization. This is not a great CD by any means, and not one of PPL's best, but is noteworthy in that it is the first time the general public had the opportunity to hear an amazing singer and guitar player named Vince Gill, who of course went on to become one of country music's most celebrated entertainers. The song selection on Can't Hold Back is it's primary weakness, although there are a few gems ("White Line," "Misery Train"). But the playing and singing are great, and this CD was followed by two much more solid efforts ("Firin' Up" and "Something In The Night"). If you are a Pure Prairie League fan, you may or may not like this CD because PPL went off in a more rock/pop direction with Vince Gill leading the way. But if you are a Vince Gill fan, you will surely enjoy hearing Vince as a teen-aged rock-n-roller on this CD. PPL's first release with a very young Vince Gill showcases his vocal prowess. While a valiant effort was made to retain some of the classic prairie sound, it was very obvious that the band was moving to a slicker more radio friendly sound starting with this album. Actually Pure Prairie League had become stale without Craig Fuller and was overdue for a fresh invigoration.

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