American Stars and Bars
I seem to love this CD for the very reasons that others disparage it. Yes, I
know it's disparate, hodge-podge of songs. But, it's also raw and alive and
seems to have a goofy, not-to-serious charm of it's own. On this album, Neil is
no longer in the "middle of the road" ("Harvest"), but he isn't in the now
infamously quoted "ditch" either ("Tonight's the Night", "On the Beach"). Young
is sort of doing a balancing act in the middle, creating an album thats' sort of
a warped, Frankenstein-like version of his classic, "Harvest". But it's a
Frankenstein, that can tap it's toes and sort of dance. I love songs like the
rustic "The Old Country Waltz" or the pulp Western tale, "Saddle Up the
Palimono". I in particular, like the contributions of singers Linda Ronstadt,
Emmylou Harris & Nicolette larson. They really work well with Young giving,
that perfect '70s era country-rock feeling (especially Harris, who shines on
"Star of Bethlehem"). According to one tale I've heard, the ladies thought they
were just doing some 'practice, run throughs' of the songs. Much to their
chagrin, they later learned that Neil was using these sessions as the final
takes, hence the raw feeling of the songs.The electric portions of the CD are
wonderful as well. "Like a Hurricane" is of course a classic and Young has
played this long & Winding song for many years in his concert repertoire. I
love the song's lyrical imagery and to be blunt, the guitar soloing just kicks
some rock n' roll (...)! One of my favorites on this CD is the final track,
"Homegrown", a funny little ode to small farms or the joys of harvesting 'weed'
(you can take your choice). It's a bouncy tune that totally gives me a case of
the giggles. No, "American Stars 'N Bars" is never going to be in the cannon of
the "Great, Neil