Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Linda Ronstadt-ZOZO Sisters

Ronstadt does it again! This time she's made another duet album, and like the excellent one she made with Emmylou Harris, WESTERN WALL: THE TUCSON SESSIONS, it is a true collaboration, both partners sharing equally in the spotlight. As another reviewer here noted, these two voices blend so beautifully that it's hard to tell where one begins and the other takes over. Popping the disc into my changer for the first time, and a half minute into the title song, which comes on the heels of a brief instrumental intro., there were already goose bumps on my skin. Every tune here has its charms, but highlights include two lovely Richard Thompson covers, a fine bluegrass ballad by Bill Monroe, and an understated, gorgeous version of "Walk Away Renee." The John Jacob Niles song, "Go Away From My Window," which I had always associated with Joan Baez, gives Linda an occasion to hit some of those thrilling high notes she's capable of, but elsewhere on this CD, Ronstadt is unusually subdued. I don't mean this in a negative way at all, but it is very different from what one would expect, even from an artist who has done so much genre-jumping in her career. Ann Savoy was never a singer I knew much more about than what I learned upon seeing a couple of recent television interviews about this record with her and Linda together. She seemed like a charming individual, but their conversation did not prepare me for the surprise of this fine album. Guess she is yet another female singer I will want to catch up with, because she easily holds her own with superstar Ronstadt! Anyone who likes great acoustic music and flawless close harmony singing will love ADIEU FALSE HEART. Get it now; you won't be sorry! 

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